Experience Matters...

in helping others learn and develop.

Mission, Vision, Values

LDN was founded in 1997 by Tommy Roberts, a 30-year Air Force veteran, after accepting a personal request from a former colleague to deliver a leadership seminar for first-line supervisors working in the manufacturing industry.  Shortly thereafter, Tommy realized that what he had learned in the military and believed in about values-based leadership could be taught and developed in others to create real value for their organizations, families and communities. Today, LDN's mission, vision and values embody our founder's realization and serve as beacons for our cause.

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Our Mission

To help our customers realize their objectives by developing effective leaders who create value in their organizations.

Our Team

Each of our independent, certified trainers has more than 30 years supervisory experience and more than 5 years experience in leadership development and course delivery.

Our Value

We put our customer’s needs first; are quick, responsive and flexible; do our work better than our competitors; and charge reasonable prices.

Our History

For more than 15 years we’ve helped develop thousands of leaders who are creating significant value in hundreds of organizations and communities across our Nation.

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What We Believe


Leadership Development Network (LDN) is aligned with top strategic partners who can assist in bringing
the very best to your leadership workshop, training, and development needs. They inlcude...


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